| Count= 87 | | | | | |
 | BS.48-2 (07/86) | Choice of frequency for sound broadcasting in the Tropical Zone | High Frequency (HF) systems; Sharing/compatibility issues | BS; MS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.80-3 (06/90) | Transmitting antennas in HF broadcasting | High Frequency (HF) systems; Antenna reference patterns | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.139-3 (06/90) | Transmitting antennas for sound broadcasting in the Tropical Zone | High Frequency (HF) systems; Antenna reference patterns | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.215-2 (07/82) | Maximum transmitter powers for broadcasting in the Tropical Zone | High Frequency (HF) systems | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.216-2 (07/82) | Protection ratio for sound broadcasting in the Tropical Zone | High Frequency (HF) systems | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.411-4 (06/90) | Fading allowances in HF broadcasting | High Frequency (HF) systems | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.412-9 (12/98) | Planning standards for terrestrial FM sound broadcasting at VHF | N/A | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.415-2 (07/86) | Minimum performance specifications for low-cost sound-broadcasting receivers | High Frequency (HF) systems | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.450-4 (10/2019) | Transmission standards for FM sound broadcasting at VHF | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.467-0 (07/70) | Technical characteristics to be checked for frequency-modulation stereophonic broadcasting | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS; BSS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.468-4 (07/86) | Measurement of audio-frequency noise voltage level in sound broadcasting | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.498-2 (06/90) | Ionospheric cross-modulation in the LF and MF broadcasting bands | N/A | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.559-2 (06/90) | Objective measurement of radio-frequency protection ratios in LF, MF and HF broadcasting | High Frequency (HF) systems | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.560-4 (10/97) | Radio-frequency protection ratios in LF, MF and HF broadcasting | High Frequency (HF) systems | BS | WP6A | Ref. |
 | BS.561-2 (07/86) | Definitions of radiation in LF, MF and HF broadcasting bands | High Frequency (HF) systems; Vocabulary | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.597-1 (07/86) | Channel spacing for sound broadcasting in band 7 (HF) | High Frequency (HF) systems | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.598-1 (06/90) | Factors influencing the limits of amplitude-modulation sound-broadcasting coverage in band 6 (MF) | N/A | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.599-0 (07/82) | Directivity of antennas for the reception of sound broadcasting in band 8 (VHF) | Antenna reference patterns | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.638-0 (07/86) | Terms and definitions used in frequency planning for sound broadcasting | Vocabulary | BS; BSS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.639-0 (07/86) | Necessary bandwidth of emission in LF, MF and HF broadcasting | High Frequency (HF) systems | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.641-0 (07/86) | Determination of radio-frequency protection ratios for frequency-modulated sound broadcasting | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.642-1 (06/90) | Limiters for high-quality sound-programme signals | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.643-3 (05/2011) | Radio data system for automatic tuning and other applications in FM radio receivers for use with pilot-tone system | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.644-1 (06/90) | Audio quality parameters for the performance of a high-quality sound-programme transmission chain | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.645-2 (03/92) | Test signals and metering to be used on international sound programme connections | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters; Vocabulary | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.646-1 (03/92) | Source encoding for digital sound signals in broadcasting studios | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.647-3 (03/2011) | A digital audio interface for broadcasting studios | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters; Vocabulary | BS; BSS | WP6B | N/A |
 | BS.702-1 (03/92) | Synchronization and multiple frequency use per programme in HF broadcasting | High Frequency (HF) systems | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.703-0 (06/90) | Characteristics of AM sound broadcasting reference receivers for planning purposes | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters; High Frequency (HF) systems | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.704-0 (06/90) | Characteristics of FM sound broadcasting reference receivers for planning purposes | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.705-1 (10/95) | HF transmitting and receiving antennas characteristics and diagrams | High Frequency (HF) systems; Antenna reference patterns | BS | WP6A | Ref. |
 | BS.706-2 (02/98) | Data system in monophonic AM sound broadcasting (AMDS) | High Frequency (HF) systems | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.707-5 (08/2005) | Transmission of multisound in terrestrial television systems PAL B, B1, D1, G, H and I, and SECAM D, K, K1 and L | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.708-0 (06/90) | Determination of the electro-acoustical properties of studio monitor headphones | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.774-4 (06/2014) | Service requirements for digital sound broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers using terrestrial transmitters in the VHF/UHF bands | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.775-3 (08/2012) | Multichannel stereophonic sound system with and without accompanying picture | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1114-11 (06/2019) | Systems for terrestrial digital sound broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers in the frequency range 30-3 000 MHz | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS | WP6A | Ref. |
 | BS.1116-3 (02/2015) | Methods for the subjective assessment of small impairments in audio systems | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1194-2 (12/98) | System for multiplexing frequency modulation (FM) sound broadcasts with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS; BSS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.1195-1 (01/2013) | Transmitting antenna characteristics at VHF and UHF | Antenna reference patterns | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.1196-8 (10/2019) | Audio coding for digital broadcasting | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6B | N/A |
 | BS.1283-2 (10/2019) | Guidance for the selection of the most appropriate ITU-R Recommendation(s) for subjective assessment of sound quality | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1284-2 (01/2019) | General methods for the subjective assessment of sound quality | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1285-0 (10/97) | Pre-selection methods for the subjective assessment of small impairments in audio systems | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1348-3 (06/2014) | Service requirements for digital sound broadcasting at frequencies below 30 MHz | High Frequency (HF) systems; Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.1349-0 (02/98) | Implementation of digital sound broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers using terrestrial transmitters in the LF, MF and HF bands | High Frequency (HF) systems; Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.1350-1 (12/98) | Systems requirements for multiplexing (FM) sound broadcasting with a sub-carrier data channel having a relatively large transmission capacity for stationary and mobile reception | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS; BSS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.1352-3 (12/2007) | File format for the exchange of audio programme materials with metadata on information technology media | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6B | N/A |
 | BS.1386-1 (04/2001) | LF and MF transmitting antennas characteristics and diagrams | Antenna reference patterns | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.1387-1 (11/2001) | Method for objective measurements of perceived audio quality | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1423-0 (12/99) | Guidelines for producing multichannel soundtracks using surround matrix techniques | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1514-2 (03/2011) | System for digital sound broadcasting in the broadcasting bands below 30 MHz | High Frequency (HF) systems; Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS | WP6A | Ref. |
 | BS.1534-3 (10/2015) | Method for the subjective assessment of intermediate quality levels of coding systems | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1547-0 (11/2001) | Terrestrial component of systems for hybrid satellite-terrestrial digital sound broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers in the frequency range 1 400-2 700 MHz | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS; BSS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.1548-7 (10/2019) | User requirements for audio coding systems for digital broadcasting | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6B | N/A |
 | BS.1596-0 (10/2002) | Guide to ITU-R Recommendations for broadcast sound production | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1615-1 (05/2011) | "Planning parameters" for digital sound broadcasting at frequencies below 30 MHz | High Frequency (HF) systems; Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS | WP6A | Ref. |
 | BS.1657-0 (08/2003) | Procedure for the performance test of automated audio identification systems | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1660-8 (06/2019) | Technical basis for planning of terrestrial digital sound broadcasting in the VHF band | N/A | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.1661-0 (12/2003) | 'Signal-on-the-air' specifications of the digital system described in Annex 1 to Recommendation ITU-R BS.1514 for digital sound broadcasting in the broadcasting bands below 30 MHz | High Frequency (HF) systems | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.1679-1 (10/2015) | Subjective assessment of the quality of audio in large screen digital imagery applications intended for presentation in a theatrical environment | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1688-0 (09/2004) | Baseband sound system and audio source-coding at delivery interfaces of large-screen digital imagery applications | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6B | N/A |
 | BS.1693-0 (09/2004) | Procedure for the performance test of automated query-by-humming systems | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1698-0 (02/2005) | Evaluating fields from terrestrial broadcasting transmitting systems operating in any frequency band for assessing exposure to non-ionizing radiation | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.1726-0 (04/2005) | Signal level of digital audio accompanying television in international programme exchange | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1734-0 (08/2005) | Basic performance requirements for the sound components of large-screen digital imagery applications for presentation in a theatrical environment | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1738-1 (10/2015) | Identification and ordering of 4 and 8 track audio channels carried on international contribution circuits | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1770-4 (10/2015) | Algorithms to measure audio programme loudness and true-peak audio level | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1771-1 (01/2012) | Requirements for loudness and true-peak indicating meters | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1864-0 (03/2010) | Operational practices for loudness in the international exchange of digital television programmes | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.1873-0 (03/2010) | Serial multichannel audio digital interface for broadcasting studios | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS; BSS | WP6B | N/A |
 | BS.1892-0 (05/2011) | Requirements for enhanced multimedia services for digital terrestrial broadcasting in VHF Bands I and II | Technical/operational characteristics or parameters | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.1894-0 (05/2011) | Digital radio broadcast service, captioned radio | N/A | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.1895-0 (05/2011) | Protection criteria for terrestrial broadcasting systems | Sharing/compatibility issues | BS | WP6A | N/A |
 | BS.1909-0 (01/2012) | Performance requirements for an advanced multichannel stereophonic sound system for use with or without accompanying picture | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.2019-0 (08/2012) | Audio system for the production and international exchange of 3DTV programmes for broadcasting | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.2032-0 (01/2013) | Synchronization of digital audio sample clock to video references | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6B | N/A |
 | BS.2051-2 (07/2018) | Advanced sound system for programme production | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6C | N/A |
 | BS.2076-2 (10/2019) | Audio Definition Model | N/A | BS; BSS | WP6B | N/A |
 | BS.2088-1 (10/2019) | Long-form file format for the international exchange of audio programme materials with metadata | Programme assembly | BS; BSS | WP6B | N/A |
 | BS.2094-1 (06/2017) | Common definitions for the Audio Definition Model | | BS | WP6B | |
 | BS.2102-0 (01/2017) | Allocation and ordering of audio channels to formats containing 12-, 16- and 32-tracks of audio | | BS | WP6C | |
 | BS.2107-0 (06/2017) | Use of International Radio for Disaster Relief frequencies for emergency broadcasts in the High Frequency bands | | | WP6A | |
 | BS.2125-0 (01/2019) | A serial representation of the Audio Definition Model | N/A | | WP6B | |
 | BS.2126-0 (06/2019) | Methods for the subjective assessment of sound systems with accompanying picture | | | | |
 | BS.2127-0 (06/2019) | Audio Definition Model renderer for advanced sound systems | | | | |
 | BS.2132-0 (10/2019) | Method for the subjective quality assessment of audible differences of sound systems using multiple stimuli without a given reference | | | | |